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2009년 3월에 소개된 The Mac Pro (Early 2009)는 Intel Nehalem 아키텍처를 Apple의 전문가용 데스크탑 라인에 도입하였으며 미묘하게 재설계된 내부는 2010 및 2012 CPU 업데이트를 통해 소개되었습니다.

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Is it possible upgrade the 2010 Mac Pro single CPU to Dual CPU's?

Hey guys,

Is it possible upgrade the 2010 Mac Pro single CPU to Dual CPU's?

I want buy a Cpu board Dual processors to “my” Mac Pro single processor. Is it possible?

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O’boy! You really don’t want to do that as most of the internal parts will need to be switched out. Finding the parts and the cost really doesn’t make it worth it. I would look for a used dual CPU system is you have your heart set for one.

Frankly, upgrading your system to a ATX logic board would be a better investment in my mind as you can get a i9 board for less which will even beat the best dual CPU based systems this system had Mac Pro Case Mods, Z490 Vision D with 10900K

Reference: List of Intel Core i9 processors

Conversion: MacPro Mac Pro ATX conversion & TonyMacx86 - macOS support

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