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Surface Pro 태블릿의 4세대 버전입니다. 2015년 10월 26일에 출시되었습니다.

210 질문 전체 보기

Will you Collaborate with DIY Replacing Battery and Screen on MS SP 4?

I can not find a local repair service to even attempt to fix my Surface Pro 4 (SP4) or my Surface Pro 5. I am going to attempt to fix my Surface Pro 4 myself unless I can find a viable repair service. I will be reviewing all the threads herein and compiling the do’s and don’t first. Does anyone do that all ready?

The SP4 still charges, still turns on without charger. Battery is bugling and the screen is separated from the case along the left side nearly 1/4” in the middle closing to no gap approaching corners. Screen as fracture in lower right corner but not noticeable, there is a small sun-spot in lower portion near middle of screen about the sizes of a dime and is very dim and not too noticeable , no case or other issues damage.

Had I known these units were so hard to service, I would not have purchased them.

My Workflow:

1) Do’s & Don'ts: compile stories of previous Ifixit threads and generate do’s and don’ts. Please send links to any information you feel is important.
Best way to remove screen?
Map of obstacles such as antenna wires or other?
Battery removal without further damage. Can battery be disassembled? (I am just asking)).

2) Part List Development: Do I remove screen and battery first to determine what replacement parts are ordered? This would require tear-down for replacement part ordering.

3) Battery: determine best battery to buy

4) Screen: determine best screen to buy

5) Other Parts: Replacement of other components because we don’t want to do this again soon.

Update (09/13/2021)

I hope others still chime in here. I plan on doing this in the next couple of weeks.

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Did you review these iFixit guides?

Microsoft Surface Pro 4 스크린 이미지


Microsoft Surface Pro 4 스크린 교체



1 - 2 hours

Microsoft Surface Pro 4 배터리 이미지


Microsoft Surface Pro 4 배터리 교체



2 - 3 hours

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Thanks, I did see and scan through these prior to posting. They will be part of the compiling. All the associated comments have tidbits of things that can go wrong. The technician here in my town who will not try to fix these MS SP4s and SP5s said that many things seem to go wrong even when with his experience. I plan to document everything I do with pictures to aid others in the future. Thanks

@ruralist - We can always use new Guides and Techniques write-ups! Give it a try Create a Guide

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