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The tenth generation Ford F-Series is a line of pickup trucks that was produced by Ford Motor Company, it was sold from the 1997 to the 2004 model years.

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Would rubber in cylinder cause a knock

I recently replaced the intake manifold gaskets on my 2002 ford f150. I started getting a misfire on cylinder 8 code. Shortly after that it started knocking. I pulled it apart and found that some of the rubber from the gasket had been pulled into the cylinder. It was very small pieces but quite a few of them. Would that cause my ingine to knock.

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Hi Ron.

First, I am not an auto mechanic- just a guy with the occasional busted knuckles.

I would imagine that any foreign debris could cause an issue like this if it prevents the valves from opening\closing fully. It could allow gases to escape via the stuck valve during the combustion stroke.

Maybe the debris is effecting the spark plug’s ability to ignite? I guess it’s even possible the bits change the fuel-air mixture since the cylinder’s volume has changed.

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