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A1708 / EMC 2978 — 2016년 10월 출시, 이 기본 레벨 MacBook Pro는 (OLED Touch Bar가 아닌) 기존의 function keys를 유지합니다. Function Keys 버전은 Intel Core i5 및 Thunderbolt 3 포트 2 개를 포함합니다.

216 질문 전체 보기

A1708 and a1706 battery swappable?

I have both of the above models. Battery is ruined in one, the other is basically dead but the battery is good.

They similar and battery has the same spec, anyone know if they’re interchangeable?

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Sorry different enough you can’t swap. See for your self

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MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Function Keys, Late 2016-2017) Battery and here’s the guide MacBook Pro 13" Function Keys Late 2016 배터리 교체

MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Function Keys, Late 2016-2017) Battery 이미지


MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Function Keys, Late 2016-2017) Battery


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