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Apple의 2020년 최고급 스마트폰. 10월 13일에 발표되어 11월 13일에 출시된 iPhone 12 Pro Max는 6.7형 OLED 디스플레이, LiDAR가 탑재된 트리플 후면 카메라 시스템, 5G 연결성을 자랑합니다. iPhone 11 Pro Max의 후속 제품입니다.

115 질문 전체 보기

How do I replace the camera lens bezels?

The long and short is that I ran my phone over with my bike. Had I had a slighty more durable case, everything would be fine. The phone is otherwise flawless - a testament actually to the durability of the phone (something I thought I’d never say…).

In any case, I see there are the lens replacements (with bezel) available from the store (see link). However, there are no guides to actually do this procedure. Is it worth my time or should I just install a new lens?

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iPhone 12 Pro Max Rear Camera Lenses and Bezels

iPhone 12 Pro Max Rear Camera Lenses and Bezels 이미지


iPhone 12 Pro Max Rear Camera Lenses and Bezels


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It’s not something you’ll want to do if you don’t need to. It’s a very delicate procedure. You’ll want to heat up the adhesive of the broken bezel enough so you can carefully remove all the broken glass and adhesive. Be very wary not to scratch the camera lens during glass removal. If you’re worried about scratching the camera lens, you can remove it prior to chipping the glass. Clean it up a little more with alcohol. Once the surface is clean, putting the new bezel on is pretty straight forward.

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Does this mean the bezel is externally replaceable; it does not require disassembly of the phone, only removal of the bezel directly?

Yeah. You don’t have to take anything apart. It’s pretty much a piece of glass that’s glued to the outside of the phone. If you want to be extra careful and take the cameras out, you’ll need to open up the phone. In some cases, it’s easier to take the cameras out and push the bezel out from the inside. But from your picture, it looks like you’ll have to just pick at the outside.

Thank you. But this isn't quite the question i was asking. I am talking about the metal bezel surrounding the glass. I have had the glass replaced already but the selling of a replacement bezel indicates that the bezel is itself replacable.

Colin, you are describing how to replace the lens. The bezel is the part that holds the lens. I am trying to figure out how to do this as well.

@cirofirvine did you have any luck with this?

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