MacBook Pro freezing then turns off


I have a Macbook Pro 2015 and it randomly freezes and turns off. However, I’ve found this doesn’t happen if I unplug the battery and just run it plugged in to the power.

I’ve updated it to Big Sur and tried another SSD, as well as SMC reset etc.

Coconut Battery says it’s in good shape, but 723 cycles.

Is this a battery issue? It probably is but just want to make sure before I spend $100 or so on a new battery.

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Let’s get a better view of things, install this gem of an app! CoconutBattery take a snapshot of the apps main window and post it here for us to see 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

Thanks for replying. I've added the battery info.

Im starting to think maybe it's an overheating/fan issue?

@joolzd - If thats the case install this great app TG Pro it will allow you to see more discreetly what's happening. Post a snapshot making sure you get all of the sensors and fan in the image use the keyboard (Control, Shift and 5 keys) its a bit easier and a snap from your phone.

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