Any chance of fixing this issue economically? *SJ Pro 2500 f1*

Flatbed scan:

Block Image

Block Image

ADF scan head:

Block Image

Direct to glass:

Block Image

On my ADF equipped scanner (Scanjet Pro 2500 f1), I was trying to scan this to make a replacement print due to some damage done to the original based on the original cover. However, I noticed this issue in VueScan so I thought it was a potential communication issue. The issue also occurs with a second USB cable, so it’s a hardware issue :/.

Is there any hope in regards to fixing this without a whole new scan head (which I have from a jamming 2500 f1, but the replacement is beyond my skillset and may re-introduce the problem), or is the unit toast and it’s time to get an Epson ADF scanner? The issue with the modern HP scanners for me is they moved away from the quality they were known for in the late 2000’s, to these newer 2010’s era ones which are nowhere near as well built as the old ones. Keeping the old ones in service forever is not sustainable due to the CCFL tubes eventually going out in 100% of them, especially as they rack up operating hours.

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