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The Italian manufacturer Saeco manufactures manual, super-automatic and capsule espresso machines. Newer appliances can also feature the Philips or Gaggia brands.

247 질문 전체 보기

Saeco Pico Barristo HD8927 brewing unit jams regularly


I have owned the above coffee machine for 4-5 years and within the last year or so the brewing unit started jamming regularly. The machine displays an error with a spanner and the service code 4. All brewing unit seals have been replaced recently and all moving parts had grease applied to them, together with the 2 small orings for the hot water valve.

The machine tends to make a whining noise and then gets stuck. I tend to remove the brewing unit, typically with some light force applied to it and then reset the gear motor into the correct position. To my uneducated eyes, it gets stuck where the water inlet touches the water valve cover…

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Do you know anyone who owns a machine with the small Saeco brew group. (Odea, XSmall, Minuto...) ? Then you could try to replace it and try, if the brew group is the cause.

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