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Apple's top-of-the-line smartphone for 2020. Announced on October 13th and released November 13th, the iPhone 12 Pro Max sports a 6.7" OLED display, a triple rear camera system with LiDAR, and 5G connectivity. Successor to the iPhone 11 Pro Max.

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scammed or not scammed by ebay seller

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please I placed order on eBay for 12 pro max screen I did not check the pictures carefully I noticed that the serial on the box is (DNPDD63M0D9G) and this is for IPHONE 12 PRO PACIFIC BLUE 128GB and the seller listing is for 12 pro max and the color is white can anyone tell me from the pictures can I use the screen and the back for iPhone or this is android version

the seller note : weighted replica with usable parts

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can you open it up? and post pictures of the parts you want to use

@beanman56 I bought today and I still did not recive it I am asking about the housing and the battery

Oh, sorry i cant tell you at the moment,

When it comings in the mail open it up take pictures

@beanman56 I will sir but from the pictures do you think it is android device or it is dummy device with original apple parts?

The cameras one looks right, the other 2 look like fakes

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해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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I’m sorry to say this but this phone is a fake. Look at the camera lens in the photo, do you see how the glass around the camera is extremely discolored compared to the rest of the glass? This is clear proof that it is a fake phone. I would recommend opening an eBay case or contacting the seller.

It does have an OEM box though, I checked the serial # and it was purchased in China.

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