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{A1706 / EMC3214}—2018년 7월 출시, 이 MacBook Pro 13”는 쿼드-코어 i5 및 i7 프로세서 그리고 Intel Iris Plus 통합 그래픽 포함.

207 질문 전체 보기

Was going to reload the OS, but now it just Kernal Panics! Wont boot!

TL,DR — Machine kernel panics and will not boot to any mode of recovery including external boot disks and drives.


I am a repair tech in a mom and pop shop. Due to recent employee changes, I now have to work on Mac repairs. A customer couldn’t remember their old Apple ID and wanted to switch their MacBook Pro to their new one and abandon their old ID. Only way I know do to that is to wipe and reload the OS. Customer is good for that. From the moment i left the customer and did a shutdown to five minutes later when I am back in our repair shop, there must have been a Coronal Mass Ejection or something cause on my bench all I get is the wonder tones of a non-stop kernel panic!. This machine will not boot to recover, load from the internet, boot from external media, nothing. Every time the machine hands over to the OS, it reboots! What the !&&* do I do know? I think I have exhausted all things within my own control.

Does anyone else concur? Is this thing screwed?

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You’ll need to boot up under an external boot drive with macOS High Sierra (10.13.6) or newer.

Do you have a USB-C drive which you can prep up using another mac?

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