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2018년 10월 26일 출시. Models A1984, A2105, A2106, A2108. GSM 또는 CDMA / eSIM, nano-SIM 또는 dual-SIM / 64, 128, 또는 256GB / 검정색, 흰색, 파란색, 노란색, 산호색, 또는 빨간색. ("iPhone 10 R"로 발음합니다.)

473 질문 전체 보기

Why do I get these white lines burned into my screen?

Every time I power on my XR i get these white lines fading into my screen. They go away when i power it off but they come back almost instantly. It’s an older video because i recently came back to figure out what’s wrong with this phone.

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It looks like the display is either damaged or the connection could be faulty. I might try reconnecting the screen, connecting another battery, or connecting another screen before replacing the screen. However, if the screen is in fact damaged, the only way to do away with the lines would be to replace it.

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