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{A1706 / EMC3214}—2018년 7월 출시, 이 MacBook Pro 13”는 쿼드-코어 i5 및 i7 프로세서 그리고 Intel Iris Plus 통합 그래픽 포함.

207 질문 전체 보기

Failed to install Mac OS on a clean hard drive.

Got this laptop from a Pawn shop, and tried to do a clean Big Sur on it, but encountered problems on finishing the OS installation, here is what happened and the actions I did so far:

  1. Tried to boot into recovery mode by clicking option+command+R (command + R gave me 1008F error), can see the internet recovery loading bar moving after get it connected with WIFI, then see the Apple logo with loading bar, but it crashed after that (fan was laud for about 1 second), and looks like it tries the internet recovery mode again itself.
  2. Press option+command+R again when see the internet recovery logo and let it loading again, and able to launch the recovery mode menu this time.

# Erase the hard drive and make it a clean drive before reinstalling Big Sur, it format and erased hard drive successfully without any error.

  1. Select “reinstall Big Sur”, but it crashed about 1 or 2 min later after selecting the hard drive and click “continue” (the installation loading bar is moving about 1 or 2 minutes), then heard fan was laud for for 1 second, screen turns to black, then tried the internet recovery again (similar to step 1)
  2. Tried the above steps for several times, almost the same result, and no luck to get the Mac OS installed.


  1. Does anyone know what could be wrong here? And is there any way I can do the installation on this laptop?
  2. Many thanks!
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Best to find someone local who has another Mac to create a bootable OS installer USB-C drive so you can boot up under it to fully wipe the drive as there are other partitions which can get in the way.

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@danj - Hi Dan, I have thought of that way, but it needs to have external USB enabled, right? Because I have performed the erasing operation, thus, there is no admin account existed, and unable to enable this option. Any thoughts?


@lovecd - Time to visit an Apple Store - Sorry ;-{ They have some tools that can help here.

@danj - Any ideas if Apple will do this for free?

@lovecd - The Apple Store will be free, any reseller will likely charge but that assumes you don't have anything serious hardware wise.

@danj - Thanks Dan, will try Apple store here.

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