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2018년 3월에 출시된 Apple iPad 6의 Wi-Fi 전용 버전입니다. 32GB 및 128GB 스토리지 옵션으로 제공됩니다. 9.7인치 레티나 디스플레이와 64비트 A10 퓨전 칩이 특징입니다.

152 질문 전체 보기

Screen Black with line


I changed screen on my friends iPad 6 (1893). The new screen I ordered from ebay. So when connected I can see backlight on (screen is much lighter) but is still almost full black with white horizontal thick line. Cannot check old screen as it was damaged durning removing process ( didnt heat enough and punched screen with part of glass).

My question is do you think this is screen issue faulty or maybe I damaged something else?

Changed screens on few iPhones before but this was my first iPad so I’m little worried.


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This sounds like a faulty screen. Do you have an undamaged digitizer(touch screen glass) so we can test the logic of the iPad?


yes I have the new digitazer. How can I test it when screen is in that state?


@Peter With everything plugged in(digitizer, battery), hold the power button for a few seconds. Wait about a minute for the tablet to boot up. Press the volume up key a few times, then plug in the charger. You should hear a sound effect. To test the digitizer, you can swipe to the right in the digitizer. Tap near the middle of the digitizer where the number buttons would be for your passcode, and you should hear the sound effects.

@andrewsawesome Thank will check that after I will be at home. If I hear the sound that means iPad is ok? and screen need to be changed? I contacted a seller and told me to send photos to. I will upload photos to my issue in here.


I had a sound when connecting charger but nothing when I press the digitizer screen. I dont know even if it was pass code on it...

But what display on screen changed depends how many times i do something. Will attach few photos

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You might have bought a faulty screen from eBay, you should also check the connection to the logic board. If that doesn’t work buy a screen from a ifixit.

Good luck,


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HDHcomputers yes I think is the screen still waiting for seller to respond.

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