Tried installing radio, now no radio, or accessories unless key is in.

Okay, so I have a 2003 Mitsubishi Outlander 4 banger, I previously installed a aftermarket radio for my mom in this car and about a month ago the cd reader stopped working, so i got her a BOSS radio single bin, i installed the radio and it turned on for a few minutes but noticed there was no sound… so i unplugged it and checked my wires and i wired it back exactly the same. The radio turned on for a few seconds and then it said “goodbye” on the screen and shut off. I got a little frustrated and decided to go inside for a few minutes. I took the key out of the ignition and went to lock the doors and they did not lock… then i realized that the hazard lights would also not turn on, then the headlights… nothing works UNLESS, you put the key in the ignition and put it in the on position. I have checked all the fuses I could think of, I swapped around relays and its still not working at all now. Any help would be very appreciated.

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so, everything works with the ign on. What happens if you disconnect the BOSS radio? And reinstall the old radio as it was?

@ruggb havent done that yet because the old radio had no harness so i spliced into the wires, gonna see if the old radio will turn on tomorrow morning

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