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The Amazon Fire HD 8 (5th Generation) is a sleek, black tablet released by Amazon in September 2015. Model Number: SG98EG.

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Not sure what my daughter did to her kindle fire

When I turn it on the kids Amazon logo is there loading and that's where it stays. I've tried a restart and turning off and letting it sit for 30mins. But it still is doing the same and she got it 5 days ago.

Can any one help me put that beautiful smile back on my daughters face? Please

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Try disconnecting the battery and then connecting it again other than that I would suggest a factory reset

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Lets first try a hard restart this can be done like this . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4HyqLg7... If this doesnt work try a factory reset, to do a factory reset do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1TzS3oI... but remember if you do a factory reset you will return the tablet to the state it was when you bought it all your data pictures and loaded games will be lost.

One last thing you can do is disconnect the battery this guild will help you through the process

Amazon Fire HD 8 Battery Replacement

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