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Apple의 MacBook Air 13" 2015년 5월 업데이트에는 5 세대 Intel Core i5 및 i7 프로세서가 성능과 배터리 수명을 약간 향상시켰습니다.

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Date of Logic Board

Here’s an odd question: I’ve been told that my early 2015 Macbook Air somehow has the wrong logic board - an earlier version, put in by a disreputable repair shop - and that’s why I can’t install Macos Monterey. Is there a way to get the serial or other identifying number of the logic board that’s in there without opening up the back of the computer and then match it to a list so I can test this? Thanks

Update (02/01/2022)

Sure, I wasn’t sure how to do that so hope this works. Thanks.

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Yes! You can without needing to open your system. Go into About This Mac under the Apple menu and copy your systems Serial Number then paste it here EveryMac - Lookup

That will get you your systems details. Let us know what it gave you.

Update (02/12/2022)

@prouss - Well, sadly your battery is not healthy! Both the cycle count and age tell me its struggling!

As you can see here the battery is not expected to run much past 1,000 cycles Determine battery cycle count for Mac notebooks and this is still the original battery! Age also plays a role as the chemistry breaks down.

Sadly, its time for a new battery! MacBook Air 13" (Late 2010-2017) Battery and the guide to put it in MacBook Air 13" Early 2015 배터리 교체

MacBook Air 13" (Late 2010-2017) Battery 이미지


MacBook Air 13" (Late 2010-2017) Battery


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Thanks, I’ve done that and it tells me it’s an early 2015 model, which I knew. But isn’t that serial number just the original number as shipped by Apple? ie does it tell me whether in fact the logic board got replaced at some point?

@prouss - All 2015 13" MacBook Air models where made within a production window between March 2015 to October 2016. Beyond that there is no way of digging deeper. And frankly it doesn't matter from an OS perspective as your system can support Monterey (any 2015 MacBook Air can!)

OK, so there was no logic board switch-a-roo done on you that prevents you from running Monterey. So we need to look deeper on what is the root issue!

I would start off running the onboard diagnostics to make sure their isn't a problem with the hardware and given the systems age I would also investigate if the battery is still good.

So to check your system restart it and press the D key to enter the diagnostics to check the battery install this gem of an app! CoconutBattery take a snapshot of the apps main window and post it here for us to see 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

And let us know if you got any errors running diagnostics.

Thanks, the diagnostics showed no problem and coconut said battery health was good.

@prouss - Can you please post a snapshot of CoconutBattery so I can see it.

Interesting. I thought the coconut screenshot said status was good. But I'll look into replacing it. And you think that's why I couldn't install Monterey? And do you think that would also explain why I get a lot of spinning beachballs?


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Just getting back to this after a busy month - thanks for the help, I have a new battery on the way and I’m sure it’ll improve performance.

But thought you might be interested, I found the original work report from Apple (attached) MBA Logic Board Issuethat said there was an incorrect logic board, a 2013 in my 2015 machine. I suppose it’s actually something of a miracle that overall it still works pretty well!

Also interesting is that while I had previously at least been able to download Monterey for installation (even if it then failed), Software Update now does not even find it as an available update.

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Without doing the S/N lookup of the cases S/N number as well as what About this Mac shows. I can't explain this conflict.

What is true is the MacBook Air's all share the same physical sized logic board so someone could have swapped things around!

13" MacBook Air Systems - Mid 2013 to Early 2014

13" MacBook Air systems - Early 2015 to 2017

But CoconutBattery output clearly ID's your system as a 2015 system which is what the logic board is.

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