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더 커진 Samsung의 열 번째 주력 핸드폰 버전, 2019년 2월 출시. Android 9.0 (Pie)와 함께 제공됩니다.

110 질문 전체 보기

Phone will no longer wireless charge.

Hello, I just want to make sure I can actually fix this issue. Long story short I dropped some tools on the back of my S10+ which cracked the back glass and caused it to no longer wireless charge. I’m assuming that if I replace the back that it will fix this issue but if that is not correct, is there any way to fix this?

Update (02/14/2022)

I know that I need to replace the charging coil but I was wondering if that is included in the back replacement or not.

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@nickbee95 Wireless Charging Coil Is Not included With Back Glass Replacements As it Is Glued to Midframe Not Glass

More Over if the Coil Is Damaged Then Wire Charging Will also stop ,so if you can still charge phone via cable then problem is not from coil,

Maybe With PCB Or Charger Itself

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@MANPREET SINGH Virk Hmm well thank you for the help. I just tried using my wireless charger with a different power strip and it seems to be working so I will leave it at that. Thanks again for the helpful info!

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I have s10+. I have updated it on android 12 then the screen starts flickering with a yello green tint on it. So i myself decided to teardown the back cover. I found that the issue is the wireless charging coil. When i disconnect it to the motherboard my screen back to normal there were no screen flickiring anymore but my problem is my phone wont charge if the wireless charging pad is not connected. So anyone how will i troubleshoot this problem. Any answer on how to charge my s10 plus even without the charging coil. Pls help me!!!

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