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Repair and disassembly information for the first-generation Apple Watch SE, announced September 18th, 2020.

34 질문 전체 보기

Use the screen from a icloud locked watch.

Hi everyone!

My question is, that I want to replace my cracked apple watch screen with a icloud locked apple watch screen.

Will it work? Does the icloud lock have any effect on the screen itself.

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As long as it's the same series/size, it will work.

However, you need to also transfer the NFC chip on the back of the display, else it won't pair correctly/Apple pay won't work.

This is usually something that's done in a refurbishing process, as the oled flex is very fragile, and this flex needs to be lifted a bit to remove the NFC flex.

Heat plate at around 80 degrees, isopropyl, and then something.very very thin (we use OCA film)

Best to remove the one on the dead display first so you know what you're getting into. 👍

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Thank you very much!! Have nice day🙏❤️

You too. Best of luck 👍

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