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2018년 10월 26일 출시. Models A1984, A2105, A2106, A2108. GSM 또는 CDMA / eSIM, nano-SIM 또는 dual-SIM / 64, 128, 또는 256GB / 검정색, 흰색, 파란색, 노란색, 산호색, 또는 빨간색. ("iPhone 10 R"로 발음합니다.)

477 질문 전체 보기

Repairing Rear Camera and Flashlight (iPhone XR)

I have a iPhone XR and the rear camera and flash light are not working. I was considering repairing them and saw that iFixit sells the camera assembly. However I didn’t see the camera flash on the camera assembly and didn’t see a part for the camera flash. Is there a part for that?

I also wanted to ask about repairing the camera and leaving the flash light alone in case the flash light repair is complicated/the part is hard to source. Would the camera function correctly if I replaced it and the flash light was still non-fuctional?

Any experience/info about this would be appreciated.

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On these models I think the flashlight is part of the rear camera assembly. If the camera is faulty the flashlight will not work.

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Can speak from experience, this is the case on nearly all iPhones. Faulty camera will cause the flash to not work more often than not. I don't think I have ever replaced a faulty camera that did not also resolve the flash issue. It's pretty unusual for the flash alone to be faulty.

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Camera flash is part of the power/volume flex cable.

So have a look for iPhone XR power button flex replacement. Will all be on there.

If you've not done it before, the trickiest bit would be installing the mute toggle switch in nicely, one of those things you either nail it, or you struggle.

Just take note of how it's all put together before removing, and take it steady. 👌

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I think it would be wise to replace the camera first. The strobe driver enable line is on the connector J3900. If the rear camera is faulty it will not send an enable signal to U4100 and U4120.

If it was an earlier model phone I would defiantly replace the power button flex first.

@imicrosoldering That's interesting. Is that from all models up from the XR?

@Duane From the X up excluding the SE. Not sure about the 11’s and up but it seems if it has face ID the strobe driver enable line is on the rear camera circuit.

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