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2018년 3월에 출시한 6세대 iPad. 32GB 및 128GB 저장 용량 옵션의 Wi-Fi 및 LTE로 제공합니다. 9.7" Retina 디스플레이 및 64-비트 A10 퓨전 칩이 특징입니다.

223 질문 전체 보기

Safari problem crashing alot

Safari keeps saying a problem repeatedly occurred .

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Can you take a picture of the problem and upload it here?기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

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가장 유용한 답변

Theres a few things that should try…

  • Forcibly relaunching the Safari browser
    • double click the home button, then swipe up to close the application. Then you would just open it like usual.
  • Clear the browsers web data and history
    • From Settings, go to “Safari” and then to “Clear History and Website Data”. This will clear out any cached data that might be causing the issue.
  • Make sure your iPad is up to date
    • Go the Settings app and to “General”, then go to “Software Update” and install what is available.

Hopefully one of these tricks should be able to help you out.

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matt tav 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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