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712 질문 전체 보기

Where can I find a replacement for the foam between the heat sink and

I recently replaced the fan for my nintendo switch, and was not able to recover the foam tape that went between the heat sink and the fan due to some exceptionally stubborn adhesive.

Does anyone know of a suitable replacement? The only thing I had on hand was a 0.5 mm thick thermal pad, so I cut that into appropriate sizes and applied it to the heat sink. Is that an absolutely terrible idea? I haven't really tried to put that switch through the ringer to test the thermals, but it's been working fine under light use.

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I found this website that sells foam: https://www.foam-material.com/ I don't know what foam you would need, I would try and find something that looks similar to the foam on your Nintendo switch.

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the carbon fiber looks pretty similar and its properties of it would withstand the heat and possible shock from dropping it.


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There is no commercial tape, I've looked everywhere and got nothing. What you'll need to do is get activated granular carbon foam (I have no idea how expensive it is, but I have seen some manufacturers offer free samples that would suffice) and use whatever adhesive you think would work.

I don't know the porosity, but I'm sure a professional would be able to figure it out.

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