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2014년 9월 19일에 출시된 이 4.7” 스크린 iPhone은 iPhone 6 Plus의 작은 버전입니다. 모델 번호 A1549, A1586 및 A1589로 식별됩니다.

4995 질문 전체 보기

Can a discharged phone battery combust

So I want to replace my iPhone 6’s battery which is completely discharged so can the battery combust if punctured or cut by mistake?

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Yes a battery can combust if it is fully discharged but it isn’t as dangerous if it is

I wouldn’t let this bother you though because as long as you are using plastic tools it’s very hard todo so


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Yes, it can burst in any situation even discharge. Battery blasts when it got a chemical reaction between both the terminal and diode panel. Positive(+) and negative(-) points meet and create a short circuit.

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Ganesh Athreya 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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