MSI Optix mpg27c Screen with strange lines

The previous owner had this issue as well but when I got the monitor from them I had plugged it in and it worked fine now about a year later it dropped out and is presenting the same issue. Strange Lines appear where ever its meant to be displaying anything, including when the screen boots the MSI logo just creates lines and is completely unusable, I have contacted MSI support all they said was to go to MSI repair services (not doing that, not worth it), these lines appear no matter what it's not an HDMI or Display Port issue, still have the same power supply not sure if that's the issue or not, it has recently become really cold that's when the issue started.

I've attached a photo and video of what it's doing, any input or help with this issue would be awesome, I haven't yet opened it up to see if I can find any issue inside yet.

Block Image

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