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2016년 3월 Samsung에서 출시되었습니다. 모델 SM-G930V.

427 질문 전체 보기

Data Recovery, broken LCD makes screen useless

I am looking to recover my pictures off my old S7. The LCD broke and caused the screen to be consumed by a purple black color before becoming all black and useless. I can’t unlock it and therefore can’t access files then I plug it into my computer. Is there an other way I can get my pictures without repairing the whole phone?

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Have you tried attaching a keyboard via usb that might let you enter your. Password and unlock it.

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댓글 5개:

It worked! Had to get an adapter to connect the phone to the keyboard, but after typing my password in a few times it worked!! Thank you so much!!!

Yay!. You did it!

By the way, don't dismiss fixing it yourself it isn't particularly difficult and is good financially and for the environment! Please don't throw it away, sell or give it to someone to fix it. Unlock and do a factory reset first to remove your data and unlock it.

@uchetil You know what Samsung parts cost vs the whole phone secondhand? It's FUBAR economically once it's more then 2 generations old.

Not if you don't buy from them. Or buy used, my S4 is still working with different screen, several new batteries and a switch replacement. Its also running android 11 ahem.

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