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2014년 9월 19일에 출시된 이 4.7” 스크린 iPhone은 iPhone 6 Plus의 작은 버전입니다. 모델 번호 A1549, A1586 및 A1589로 식별됩니다.

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Hello! I cant hear the sound on my iPhone 6! READ Description!

Hello! My phone has a really big problem! I cant hear the sound!!! i played a lot of times with the sound when it started, i restarted the phone!!!I cleaned the spekears but maybe not good enough!ALSO when i put the apple headphones i can hear the sound on em! ALSO i can hear the ppl who talks with me but not the rington! PLS GUYS HELP!!!!!!!! AND also i cleaned the speakers and pin went to far? Pls tell me if that is okay!

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If you can hear people while on a phone call, but not the ringer or other media based audio, changes are your bottom speaker needs replacing. Phone calls, unless you're on speaker phone would make use of the receiver speaker/top speaker. But ringtone, or other types of media would use the maid speaker, along the bottom of the device. Can you hear people in a phone call if you put them on speakerphone?

It's possible that cleaning the speaker did some damage, but if you were cleaning it to resolve this issue, then I wouldn't consider it a factor since it's possible the issue was due to a bad speaker to begin with.

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Hello! Ty for this answer! When i put the speaker on call i cant hear em! i justt tried! But ive gotten the same problem like 6 m-1 year ago but the charging didnt work too! Ive got this to a specialist and fixed it but i dont remember what they did! After that, this worked well until today! Ty for answer!

@sofika That actually makes sense since the main speaker on most iPhones connects into the dock flex (charge port assembly), rather than directly to the logic board. It could be the same issue again, or the speaker itself.

Yup! ty a lot ! i will go to a specialist and i will see! Also i think its speakear problem cuz my charging works! The phone is very old so that can be an issuse! Ty a lot for support! have a great day (hope ill fix it).

Hello i amneged to OPEN my iphone! If it would be okay if i will contact you and send a picture to see the cause and see if i can fix it myself! Ty.

@sofika You can just upload pictures to the original post! That way I won't be the only eyes that can have a look.

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