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2014년 9월 19일에 출시된 이 4.7” 스크린 iPhone은 iPhone 6 Plus의 작은 버전입니다. 모델 번호 A1549, A1586 및 A1589로 식별됩니다.

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Is this a battery or lcd problem?

Bare with me haha.

So I am getting into fixing iPhones, and I started practicing on an old iPhone 6. I’m pretty sure the battery has been replaced bc it doesn’t have an Apple logo. Anyways, when I was practicing reconnecting the display, it showed glitched white vertical lines. I simple reseated the lcd cables and that fixed it. But the next time I reconnected the screen, the same white bars showed up, the only difference was no matter how many times I replugged the cables, it was the same glitches every time. I think the screen cables have just worn out as this phone looks to have been opened a lot. One of the times I reconnect the lcd it was completely black, and I plugged it in. When I did so it buzzed when connected to power (remember that) but still was glitched when I reseated the cables. I did some research and found that you are supposed to unplug the battery when replacing the screen, so I did. I installed the lcd cables and then reconnected the battery, but now there is nothing. The mother board definitely feels warm as usual, but the lcd is plain black with no backlight and when I plug in the phone it does not vibrate at all. Please let me know if any of you have a solution. Do you think it’s just the LCD that needs replacing?

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It sounds to me like this could be a display issue, but it could also be a logic board issue. But very unlikely it's a battery issue, even if it is not an OEM battery,

It having been connected and disconnected many times may have caused wear to the connector on the board. I would try connecting it to a computer so see if it is being recognized via USB. Which would confirm that it is powering and booting even if you can't see anything on the display. I would also check around the display connectors for any sign that components may have been damaged, a blown backlight filter is not uncommon in these sorts of situations and they typically look burned. Check and make sure there are no rips or tears in any of the display cables.

Best practice is always going to be unplugging the battery first before you disconnect anything else. Not removing power can cause damage to the components, the board or both.

Realistically, the only way you can know for sure is to try a known good display or to try this display on a known good phone.

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