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Microsoft's third-generation Xbox game console, released November 22, 2013.

727 질문 전체 보기

Dropped Xbox and now Blue Ray player won't work. How do I fix this?

I dropped it from about 3 feet onto carpet. It's my boyfriend's. It was an accident. I feel so awful. A huge fight ensued and I can't turn it on right now but last I tried before he tourned off the power cord I couldn't get a blu Ray to play. Is there a way to fix this? I wish I could check more for more details but I can't plug it in. If I need to get it fixed whereiz a good place to send it?

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Please forgive the typos I am mid panic attack.

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Shuldn't be that difficult, replace the mechanical part of the drive.

Why such a big fight over a console? Immature.

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