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Repair information for the SteelSeries Arctis Pro wireless headphones. Released in March of 2018. Model number: 61743.

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Can I fix my wire inside the headphones?

My right earphone on my arctis pro wireless has been acting very lose recently, and I kept twisting on it so that it would stop going lose. I didn’t realise that the wire inside was being twisted as I spin around the earphone, and now my earphone fell off. Can I replace the wire inside manually or do I need to send this to the shops to fix?

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If you are familiar with disassembling/reassembling things, small gauge wiring repairs and soldering, damage may be repairable with no guarantee of success.

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It's certainly plausible to repair. It will probably require some disassembly and depending on where the break in the cable is, soldering is likely the sturdiest method of repair. Wires in headphones are often a pretty small gauge, which makes repair more difficult. But not impossible.

Pictures would help assist with the specifics, you can add some into your original post.

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