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Apple의 2020년 최고급 스마트폰. 10월 13일에 발표되어 11월 13일에 출시된 iPhone 12 Pro Max는 6.7형 OLED 디스플레이, LiDAR가 탑재된 트리플 후면 카메라 시스템, 5G 연결성을 자랑합니다. iPhone 11 Pro Max의 후속 제품입니다.

115 질문 전체 보기

Repair of Nonfunctional Accelerometer Sensor

I have an iPhone 12 Pro Max with a nonfunctioning accelerometer sensor. None of the apps requiring attitude info are operating properly (camera orientation, Theodolite, Compass, etc). I have run diagnostics with Lirum Info Light and I got responses on all the sensors (gyroscope, magnetometer, barometer) except the accelerometer sensor which shows unchanging -8g’s on the x & z axes and +8g’s for the y axis.

What is involved in replacing that sensor and roughly what should I expect to pay to have it repaired?

[NOTE: I’m not entirely sure the proximity sensor is functioning since I haven’t searched for a diagnostic for it. I’m not sure if that could have any association with the accelerometer problem.]

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Well, that may be a bit bigger of an ask than you thought. The accelerometer and gyroscope are actually part of the same chip on the 12 Pro (if I am interpreting the schematic correctly). Which is soldered onto the logic board. And to further complicate things, the 12 Pro Max logic board is actually two separate boards sandwiched together, and this chip is on the inside of the sandwich. Check out the teardown for a better visual on this. The board is visible in step 9 and the chip in question is highlighted in red on Step 12.

It could certainly be replaced, assuming the fault is with the chip itself and not with it’s lines of communication or other related chips. But it requires separating the two boards, removing the faulty chip and soldering the new one in place. Plus testing function afterwards in a specialized jig, and then soldering the boards back together. So it’s a bit of a process and could be costly. I would expect to pay at least $100 for this sort of repair, but would likely be more depending on the person.

The proximity sensor would be along the top edge of the screen near the Face ID and front facing camera parts. You should be able to tell if this functions pretty easily, although I doubt it is related. If you make a phone call and cover the top part of the screen with your hand, the screen should shut off. It should come back on once you remove your hand. This function is a product of proximity sensor data.

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Thanks very much. I really appreciate your answer. Actually, I’d be thrilled if the repair cost was anywhere around $100. It sure would beat buying a new phone. I have a lot of astronomy/astrophotography apps on my phone that lose about 80% of their usefulness without orientation information. As a stop-gap I’m carrying around my old 6s to run those apps. $100 to get them working on the 12 would be well worth it to me.

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