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How do I fix lens dirt?

I dropped my phone earlier this year and throughout didn't have the chance to fix it so the lens started cracking open, (Not the first time it happened to me Iphone X Max) I ordered the lens cover to seal it up but it still shows some dirt I wanted to ask what should I do to fix it, I was thinking of replacing the whole lens but there was a warning not to buy if I see scratches of some sort. Anyone had this issue and how they solved it?

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Good morning,

That's quite unfortunate. I can't say I've personally had this issue but I can see the frustration.

When you say the "lens cover", is the the little glass piece on the back glass or something entirely different.

Here's some solutions:

All 3 cameras show this: At this point if your in America I'd send it into apple or do self service repair. This is likely sensor level damage that can't be cleaned

1 camera shows this: if you can take off the lens piece, clean it but not before:

Doing a visual inspection. If this does conclude as dirty, give it a clean if you can. If not, try inspecting the physical lens piece and if that doesn't show, that sensor has damage to it on a sensor level.

Let me know how this goes

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It only shows on the main camera, Zoom and Wide lens are good, I did clean the main lens when putting the new lens cover I was looking at my camera while cleaning it I was not touching the dirt at all

oof, my guess is dirt either on the sensor or the lens piece, with the former being practically impossible without tearing down the entire thing.

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