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The PlayStation 3 (or commonly known as the PS3) is the third home computer entertainment system produced by Sony Computer Entertainment, and the successor to the PlayStation 2. It was released November 11, 2006

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My PlayStation 3 saying system too hot

My PlayStation 3 console is saying that the system to hot I've had the thermal paste replace and it still saying system to hot

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When you say you "had it replaced" do you mean you took it somewhere or you did it yourself?

Additionally, if it can run long enough for it, try entering diagnostic mode. I found how to do this here: http://www.somelifeblog.com/2009/10/ps3-...

Once you run diagnostic mode, you can take a picture of any info you find in there and upload it here to help folks possibly determine what the issue is.

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Sounds like there's either not enough thermal paste, low quality paste or not applied correctly. I'd have it redone.

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