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Repair guides and information for portable, battery powered Bluetooth speakers

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My speaker fell into water.

My Volcano Bluetooth speaker fell into the water for 15 seconds at most. It wasn't fully submerged either. I got the water out and dried it with a hairdryer. It still turns on and plays music normally but it sometimes disconnects. Will it go back to normal in a few days?

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It could go back to normal but it may not

Here’s what to try!

Try fully dismantling the speaker and cleaning up and corrosion or water marks with some cotton buds/Qtips and some isopropyl alcohol

Once your speaker is corrosion and water free test it out

If the issue persists possibly try a new battery and if that doesn’t work I would take it to a professional repair shop that specialises in this sort of repair

Hopefully this helps

Any questions please ask


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