Display flashing on chrome tab.

Hey guys,

I have a Dell S2721QS monitor connected to my laptop via hdmi.

I was browsing the web on chrome and i had 3 tabs open maybe 5, when i clicked a link to open in a new tab.

The tab opened and like 2 seconds after the screen started like flashing/ glitching but i noticed the chrome tab was taking a while to load, the content on the page was loaded/loading but the blue circle at the top was still spinning. I clicked another tab and the flashing stopped. So i went back to the other tab and the flashing started back.

I closed that tab and the flashing stopped...it never happened again since then.

This all happened in a matter of seconds i was shocked as this is a new monitor and i was worried if somethings wrong with it.

I later visited the same url but the screen didnt flash this time.

Any idea what went on here?

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UPDATE: This is the url https://www.javatpoint.com/html-text-tag

I just visited it again and the screen started flashing.

Would someone visit it and let me know if your screen flashes...just open the page and scroll.

Let me know what happens.


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