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2015년 9월 25일 출시. Model A1688/A1633. 수리는 이전 모델과 유사하며 스크류 드라이버 및 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. GSM 또는 CDMA / 6, 64, 또는 128GB / 은색, 금색, 스페이스 그레이 및 로즈 골드로 제공하였습니다.

2695 질문 전체 보기

I replaced battery now asking for 6 digit passcode

log in code changes after battery replacment

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thanks, ive changed the battery before with no issues. i did mis step in the process and connected the battery before the digitizer and had a small glich/surge. that must be it

The only issue I've seen or heard about from connecting/disconnecting the screen with the battery plugged in is that it will occasionally kill the LCD. Glad you didn't run into that, but I maintain that changing the passcode to 6 digits cannot be caused by any hardware issue. Even a digitizer suffering from ghost touches would be extremely unlikely at best; remember that you have to enter your current passcode to change the settings and the odds of random touches on the screen accomplishing the exact sequence needed are astronomical.

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Phillip, you've got something else going on here; there's nothing whatsoever in the process of changing a battery that will affect your passcode. Some of the newer models will complain that the battery may not be genuine, but yours is too old to even have that "feature".

Did you have someone else replace the battery? Perhaps a repair technician changed a setting on your phone, but nothing in the hardware can do that.

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If a repair tech did, and I highly doubt it, change the passcode for some utterly bizarre reason then they need sacked.

As above, changing a battery will never ever change a pass code. I had a customer who screamed blue murder his code was correct and he hadn’t changed it. Turns out his daughter was watching YouTube on it the night before and for some reason she changed it.

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