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Apple의 2020년 최고급 스마트폰. 10월 13일에 발표되어 11월 13일에 출시된 iPhone 12 Pro Max는 6.7형 OLED 디스플레이, LiDAR가 탑재된 트리플 후면 카메라 시스템, 5G 연결성을 자랑합니다. iPhone 11 Pro Max의 후속 제품입니다.

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Is my iPhone 12 toasted? Or still repairable?

Hey, I am on vacation and my iPhone 12 max pro slipped Into the pool. It was in 2 feet deep water and 5 minutes max. I thought the 12 max pro was supposed to be water resistant for up to 30mins but somehow this caused condensation to build up in the 2 left cameras and front camera. initially this causes Face ID to turn off and it later experienced problems with the sim. I’m using e-sim outside of the US, so for some reason this wasn’t connecting to the local network provider. Then these problems seem to fixed itself but lock button starting experiencing problems. It kept locking itself and holding on until it dialed sos. (Took me many tries to finally beat it the setting menu and disable auto-sos dialing).

It’s day 2. Phone was working except still problem with lock button. I tried turning phone off but because lock button issue, it kept turning back on (no, the lock button is not depressed or stuck). I found some desiccate package from local snacks and I tried wrapping the phone in a small bag with the desiccate package.

Day 3: battery finally died. When charged - Lock button won’t work (so I can’t turn on) and my phone is now showing “plug into laptop to restore” symbol. I was seeing this on day 2, but sometimes it would load up to Home Screen where I can unlock and use phone for a little bit. Now I don’t even see that and I’m worried.

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Hi @ivyc,

Liquid damage is tricky for phones. Given the quantity of chemicals used in pools, the chance for contamination to affect the electronics in your phone is pretty high.

So the first thing is, the sooner you get it taken care of, the better. The longer those chemicals and liquid are allowed to sit in the phone, the more chance of irreparable damage there is. Given that you're already experiencing problems, you need to do this now.

For now, turn off the phone and don't try to charge it. Forget putting it in rice; that doesn't work. Leave it out where air can circulate and it can dry.

If you're comfortable disassembling your phone yourself, you can use the guides available on this site to take everything apart and clean it all. It's a big job with lots of opportunities to break things, so if you're not confident in your abilities, then don't. The guides can be found here.

iPhone 12 Pro Max Repair - iFixit

And a guide for liquid damage mitigation is here.

iPhone Liquid Damage Repair - iFixit Repair Guide

Otherwise, you'll need to locate a repair store that specializes in liquid damage and get the phone to them ASAP. Your phone may be repairable, but the longer you wait the less your chances of getting back a working phone are.

Good luck; let us know how it goes!

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