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The Samsung Galaxy M52 5G was released in September 2021

6 질문 전체 보기

Does anyone know where can I buy just the screen for this phone?

My phone dropped from a small distance, had screen protector yet it wasn't enough to protect him from an annoying scratch on it, the touch still works fine and even works when I go above it, I wanna try to repair it, yet I don't know where I can just get the screen for it.

Ty for any help you may share.

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what country are you in

Portugal, I need to order it from a reputable place

@tribopower im not sure if they ship to portugal but headlane only sell genuine parts and thats who i use. https://shop.headlane.co.uk/shop/product...

@daniel how much does it cost ?

@tribopower 60 uk pound plus shipping

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https://samsungrepair.com/models/Galaxy-... To get your device fixed by Samsung officially

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