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561 질문 전체 보기

MacBook Pro Mid 2012 keys "qwertyuio" not working at all. Help!


My keyboard keys on my Macbook Pro Mid2012 "qwertyuio" have stopped working. I went away for 2 months and upon returning turned on my computer to see if it was working. It didn't respond so I plugged in the charger. When the computer officially turned on the following keys stopped working "qwertyuio".

I've reset my computer PRAM and also factory set and that hasn't solved it.

Would appreciate any help!

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Did you have a liquid spill at some point into the keyboard and/or trackpad?

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No liquid spills

@gabrielleqsey - at this point you need to take the bottom cover off as I’m suspecting the battery as swelled up pressing onto the keyboard and it’s cable. Here’s the needed part MacBook Pro 15" Retina (Mid 2012-Early 2013) Battery if you compare yours to the image here I think you’ll find one or more cells have puffed up. Here’s the guide you’ll need to follow.

FYI - if this is the original battery it’s not unexpected as Barrie’s only have a useful life of five years which clearly has long expired here.

@danj Yeah it's the original battery. I will get order this one and see if it solves the problem. Thank you!

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