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2018년 9월 21일 출시. Models A1920, A2097, A2098, A2100. GSM 또는 CDMA / eSIM 또는 nano-SIM / 64, 256, 또는 512GB / 은색, 금색 또는 스페이스 그레이. ("iPhone 10 S"로 발음합니다.)

400 질문 전체 보기

Only microphone and speaker working after front sensor replacement

Hi all. Recently my iPhone XS got stuck in a boot loop due to water exposure to the proximity sensor. I removed the problematic front sensor assembly and bought a replacement from iFixit. However, when I pug in the new sensor only the microphone and speaker seem to be working; the ambient light sensor and proximity sensor are nonfunctional.

I know that Face ID will not work after a replacement, but I was under the impression a replacement part (especially from iFixit) would restore the functionality of the other front-panel sensors.

What I've tried:

  • Testing the new sensors without connecting them to the case (direct light exposure, calling someone and putting my finger in front of the proximity sensor)
  • Unplugging and re-pluggging in the ribbon cable to make sure it pops into place securely.

Another interesting data point is that when I plug in the old, broken sensor assembly into my phone when it is already powered on, the microphone and speaker also work, but again, not the ambient light sensor or proximity sensor. When you power off the phone it gets stuck in a boot loop again until the problematic sensor is unplugged.

Is it known that the ambient light sensor and proximity sensor don't work after a front-panel replacement? Or is it possible that the new part I received was broken, or I managed to break it during the repair? Perhaps something else wrong with my phone?

I'd really appreciate any insight here. Thanks in advance!

Repair guide I was following: iPhone XS Earpiece Speaker and Front Sensor Assembly/이어피스 스피커 및 전면 센서 어셈블리 교체

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Hello Ben,

There are many myths and misconceptions about this element. Unfortunately, distributors and online sellers (Chinese products) do not help. They only obscure the real problems. It is common to read in advertisements or item descriptions: "original replacement item" or just "front camera flex". As in the first example, you can only smile to yourself, so in the second one it is no longer fun. The vast majority of spare parts for Apple offered on the web are Chinese counterfeits, having no connection with the functionality of the original. Most often, it only look similar and it's full unfunctionality and unreliability are a minor detail. Unfortunately, the fault lies mostly with the seller, who (in many cases) does not even know what is being sold. (or... sometimes knows but it doesn't matter for sellers. Just money! Such cases also happen.)

Disassemble your replacement flex tape and take a good look at it. Compare it to your old flex tape. You will notice some differences. These differences are the reason for future problems - but this is only one side of the coin. The other side of the coin is the lack of knowledge in public space - but more on that later.

To show the problem, I will use a photo from the iFixIT store of the item you indicated in the link above. Pay attention to the white element, which was originally supposed to be a light sensor.

Block Image


Block Image

What you see, this white "thing" is a plastic dummy light sensor, glued with cyan glue to the tape. Of course, I'm not going to mention the crooked alignment causing the entire sensor assembly to bend when you try to slide it into place and end up suffering from the breakage of the proximity sensor bar. I'm not foinf to mention too, to the resistive issues of all the counterfeit tape and conductivity of a use glue in specyfic phisicall conditnions. The quality of the camera and the actual amount of pixels, it's a completely different story.

I want to tell you (perhaps the moderator will punish me again for saying this - forgive me if my comment disappears from here one day - it will be deleted by their "pet") that Apple has never sold replacement parts except recently screens and batteries for the latest models. The only real source of advanced electronic parts is a used part, removed from a broken phone. Damaged most often in a poor-quality repair workshop that sprang up like mushrooms after the rain due to the popularity of Apple in the world. But that too is another story.

...and Now just the point:

Replacing a failed TrueDepth assembly sensor does not always mean an isolated failure. Not always (which is worth emphasizing) it does have to be associated with the loss of Face.ID functionality as well. Buy a used TrueDepth unit online - it's important that it's an original item and check the proximity and lighting functions. If you see an improvement in performance, you are halfway to success. I'm afraid that due to the assembly of the current tape, you will not be able to return it. I will add as a side note that the original from disassembly costs less than 1/3 of your price. Surprised?

Face.ID is a complex set of many cooperating elements and software. Disturbing one of them will always (due to data security reasons) result in disabling the function or other problems. Find a good repair shop, take both tapes there (your original one and the new one - the original and working one you checked a while ago) and order the FLOOD Illuminator sensor transfer. The technician will know what to do and how to do it. It is not difficult but requires experience and knowledge. Surgical precision in handling the soldering iron is also required. Any good microelectronics engineer can do it - take advantage of it. An additional hint will be that the better the technician, the cheaper the service will be. It will literally take 10 minutes. All that's left to do is assemble everything and check it works. You can do this at home, on your own kitchen table, in accordance with the mission ... (I'm not allowed to write this - the iFixIT administrator has already punished me with several hundred penatly points for writing the truth, sorry - I won't do it again). You can find more in my description, you are smart - you will understand.

  • regards, bert.harmidomski

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Hi Bert!

I really appreciate the detailed response. I'm a little surprised that iFixit themselves would ship out nonfunctional parts, but what you said about Apple not providing replacement parts and most being counterfeits makes sense. Do you have a specific recommendation for a site where I could buy a used TrueDepth unit that verifies the functionality of the proximity and light sensors? Like you said, it's hard to determine what you're getting just by looking at the listings online.

Thanks in advance!

definitely ebay or similar service, search for "original tape (front camera) from demontage" or something similar. There are whole piles of it. On the other hand, you can use the one from iFixIT and resolder the light sensor as well. Perhaps (I can't see this tape, it's hard to say anything 100% from a distance) that is only a budget version of a quite ordinary tape and it will be suitable for transfering.

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