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2020년 4월에 발표 및 출시된 2세대 iPhone SE의 수리 및 분해 정보입니다.

246 질문 전체 보기

How to remove screen not genuine message on the settings

Whenever you replace a screen, if the screen is not changed by an apple authorized person, the iPhone will show a message in the settings saying that the screen is not genuine. How to remove it. Is there is a way to get rid of it. What needs to be done before installing the new screen.

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i believe, don't know - haven't tried it yet, that you can use a programmer, like JC v1SE, to reprogram the ID code of the new screen to match the ID code of the original screen. this is supposedly critical for restoring true-tone capability when changing screens on 8's, SE2020's as well as later models.

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