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2018년 9월 21일 출시. Models A1920, A2097, A2098, A2100. GSM 또는 CDMA / eSIM 또는 nano-SIM / 64, 256, 또는 512GB / 은색, 금색 또는 스페이스 그레이. ("iPhone 10 S"로 발음합니다.)

400 질문 전체 보기

iPhone XS caméra won’t screw on

So here as you can see the white screw hole does not exist on the new screen

And the red is extra it makes it not for flat

What’s wrong

Block Image

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are you sure that screen is for that model and not an x

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Hi Nelson,

I think you've ordered the wrong screen. Your "Old" screen is an iPhone X screen and the "New" one is (correctly) an iPhone XS screen.

Looks to me like you have an iPhone X, not a XS. If you want to post the IMEI number, I can verify from that. I realize the phone's not in condition to power on at the moment, so you can always pull it off the SIM card carrier; it's printed on the bottom side of it once you've taken it out of the phone.

You can also find the model number printed on the frame just inside the hole for the SIM card; it's tiny so lots of light and maybe a magnifying glass will help.

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Yeah that what happened I just checked on the device speaker ports and it’s an x 🤦‍♂️ My friend told me for the past couple of years it was an Xs. What can I do return it ? The box was only open ?

@nelson2003pg Did you get it from iFixit? If so, contact them at support@ifixit.com and explain that you need to exchange it for a X screen. I found them very accommodating and helpful when I had an issue with a purchase.

Yess it was bought from the 3 days ago thanks for the help

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