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1.8 또는 2 GHz G5 프로세서

101 질문 전체 보기

How to pry power supply connector from logic board

I'm trying to install a new power supply I just received from you. I've tried everything according to your instructional video but I cannot pry the connector away from the logic board. I've gone so far as to remove the power supply with the connector attached so I could get under the connector but it's no go. Can you help?

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Hey Jsoter,

The connector is stuck in there pretty darn tight. We've found that the best method for disconnecting it has been to depress the connector lock while using a heavy duty spudger, or other gentle but strong prying tool, to firmly jostle either side of the connector until it comes free. It usually takes a few tries at each side, but as long as you are depressing the connector lock at the same time, it should come free with some persistence.

Hope this helps! Let us know how it goes.

Heavy-Duty Spudger 이미지


Heavy-Duty Spudger


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Thanks. I finally got it.

Right on; glad it worked!

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