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The TI-84 Plus CE is a graphing calculator released in Spring 2015 by Texas Instruments. It includes a 2.8 inch color screen, USB port, apps, storage, and a 1200 mAh battery.

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Ti-84 plus CE screen slightly flickers but works still?

Am I able to fix this flickering screen issue

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Can you please elaborate on what this flicker looks like and when it happens?

Does it look like the brightness is flickering? Or are artifacts randomly appearing on the screen?

Is it constantly happening even when you're not touching the device? Or does it happen only when you do a specific action?

Have you tried the recovery techniques yet? TI-84 Plus CE Recovery Techniques.

My thoughts is the display ribbon cable needs to be reseated but I'll need more information before I can confirm this.

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It happens when I don’t touch it and it ls the brightness that flickers. If I inputting work it still flickers the same and it seems random.

Ok. I assume this happens at every brightness level as well? You can change the level pressing 2nd then the up or down arrow key.

This sounds like a hardware issue to me (perhaps a defective capacitor). If the calculator is less than a year old then I would use the warranty to get a new one.

Otherwise the only thing you can try is re-seating the ribbon cable. You can follow the teardown guide for that TI-84 Plus CE Teardown

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