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An upgrade of the Nintendo Game Boy Advance, the Advance SP was released, in North America, on March 23 2004 with a square structure and clam-shell design.

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L Button not working

The L button not working at all, tried replacing the button with the springs but didn't fix the problem.

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Are you getting continuity through the switch? If so, you will need to trace deeper through the circuit.

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Hello! This may be caused by a dirty button on the motherboard. On the SP, the button switches get dirty and the rubber piece on the button won’t make contact. I would take 90% or higher isopropyl alcohol and clean the switch on the motherboard and see if it works. Good luck!

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Never use pure isopropyl alcohol to clean switches. They leave a white film and make the problem worse than before. If you're going down that path, use proper Contact Cleaner. It's not much more expensive than isopropyl alcohol. Original poster has already replaced the switch, which didn't fix the problem.

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