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Where is the ssd slot

Cant seem to locate the sad slot on the motherboard

Can't find anything online

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Kevroll post a couple of good images of where you are seeing this "looks like there's a spot for the ssd right there, it has the keys, but there is no small black bracket to snap the ssd" That way we can see what you see. 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

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Hi Kevroll,

Okay, the best source of information is the Hardware Maintenance Manual kindly provided by Lenovo. Here's where you can download a copy.


Page 46 shows how to remove the SSD (I assume that's what you meant rather than "SAD").

Block Image

Note that it does say "on select models", so it's entirely possible yours doesn't have a spot for an SSD, but if it does, that's where it will be.

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I did check this and found this diagram. It looks like there's a spot for the ssd right there, it has the keys, but there is no small black bracket to snap the ssd into

@Kevroll By "keys", I'm guessing you mean the solder pads where a connector would be soldered onto the board, is that right?

In theory it should be possible to buy that connector and solder (or have it soldered) it onto the board. Problems are, a) finding the right connector to buy, and b) whether the BIOS supports it on your model.

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