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An upgrade of the Nintendo Game Boy Advance, the Advance SP was released, in North America, on March 23 2004 with a square structure and clam-shell design.

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Why is the screen blank with vertical lines?

I've owned my GBA SP since the early-to-mid 2000s. I recently found it and remembered the technical issue that made me stop playing it, which still persists to this day. When I boot it up, it looks blank. However, it's blank with vertical lines. The lines change as it boots up and loads the inserted game. There's nothing else wrong with the device that I can find. Also: 1) it's the AGS-001 model, if that helps; 2) I've provided 2 images just to give a better idea. Thanks!

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It sounds like your GBA SP may be experiencing a problem with its display. Here are a few steps you can take to try and resolve the issue:

  1. Clean the cartridge slot: If the cartridge slot is dirty, it can cause connectivity issues between the game and the console. Try cleaning the slot using a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol.
  2. Check the game: Try using a different game cartridge to see if the issue persists. If it does not occur with another game, the issue may be with the original game cartridge.
  3. Adjust the brightness: The GBA SP has a brightness control dial that may need to be adjusted. Try adjusting the brightness dial to see if it resolves the display issue.
  4. Replace the screen: If the above steps do not work, the display screen may be faulty and may need to be replaced. Replacement screens for the AGS-001 model are available online and can be installed with some technical know-how.

If none of these steps work, it may be best to contact a professional repair service to diagnose and fix the issue with your GBA SP.

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