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2020년 4월에 발표 및 출시된 2세대 iPhone SE의 수리 및 분해 정보입니다.

246 질문 전체 보기

My front camera is not working after a screen replacement.

I replaced my screen and I had to replace the front camera due to flex cable damage. And when I put it back together everything but the front camera worked. The camera makes a clicking sound when I switch to it in the camera app. Any ideas?

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odd. usually a clicking sound is more related to the rear camera, as opposed to the front/selfie cam.

but putting that aside, check and make sure your front camera flex cable is seated correctly and solidly in its socket. also check to see if there's any damage to the flex cable. a lot of times, when something isn't working correctly after a reassembly, it's a good idea to revisit thing, put the back together again, reseat things, etc.

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