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Repair guides and disassembly information for the MacBook Pro 16'' released in November of 2019. Model A2141, EMC 3347.

213 질문 전체 보기

E key is stuck, pressed down and won't respond

one of the keys (E) is not working when pressed because it is staying pressed down unlike other keys, it won

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t pop back up as image shown, so i tried to replace it but it still won't work. I found that there is a little dent under the key on the metal panel on the right side and I'm guessing that might be the cause of the problem. Is there something I can do to fix this?

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There is no means to un-dent the damaged area. I’m not sure that’s the issue as I don’t see the butterfly mechanism which offers the pressure to the key. Go to this site TheBookYard - KeyCaps parts click on the country icon of your system to find the needed parts.

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The picture taken was without the parts, I ordered new set of keys/parts from replacementkeys and put it in but that didn’t solve the problem either..

@nickim - Post a picture of the parts soo we can see what you got you should have three pieces.

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