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PS5 Fan loudly turns on when plugged in and never turns off.

Greetings all,

I come with a question that I can't seem to get answered anywhere.

My PS5 fan doesn't stop moving at all. It spins at an incredibly high speed even when the console is off. Yes including rest mode. If I power cycle my system, even before I turn it back on the fan starts to spin and quickly. Anyone have any ideas?

I've disconnected and reconnected the fan, tried every option in safe mode including the factory reset options and tried different outlets, different cables etc.

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@sagetech682 thanks very much. I’ll try that :)

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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you need to clean the fan inside of the ps5, and maybe clean or even replace the heatsink

i think that the heatsink is having issues, tbh

make sure the reapply the thermal place too!


[연계 제품이 누락 또는 비활성화 됨: IF179-010]

and you might want to try cleaning it with this before you buy a new heatsink or anything like that (also don't use the deoxIT on anything other than metal connectors)

Precision Cleaning Kit

good luck, and if you have any issues, im happy to help!

Precision Cleaning Kit 이미지


Precision Cleaning Kit


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Thanks so much for the answer! Taking it to a repair shop where they can try this before we get more drastic.

Thanks again!


I have this problem too, what did the repair shop diagnose?

@karangupta32583 My repair shop just popped out the old fan and replaced it with a new one and all was well.

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