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2017년 9월 22일 출시. Model A1864, A1897. GSM 또는 CDMA / 64 또는 256 GB / 금색, 은색 및 스페이스 그레이.

681 질문 전체 보기

Home button stopped working

I did a screen repair the other day on the iPhone 8 Plus and the home button stopped working: it does not click. I was reading online and I read that it is possible the Turtle IC chip might have gotten damaged after replacing the screen. Upon learning this, I bought a new home button and replaced it. However, the problem persists. I also saw that it could be the screen, so I tried it with another screen, I still have the same problem. I tried restoring the iphone, I tried turning it off, I tried restarting, and nothing seems to work. I even loosened the screw on the back because I also read somewhere that if it is too tight that it can stop it from clicking, but nothing works.

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Hi Nilsa,

As of the iPhone 7, the home button changed from a physical button with a metal dome that clicks to a capacitive sensor whose "click" is now furnished by the Taptic Engine. So if the button is functioning but just not making a click, I'd say you should be looking at the Taptic Engine as the cause.

Although it doesn't sound applicable in your case, I've also heard reports that the Taptic Engine loses some of its advanced features if it's replaced without having data from the original one copied to the replacement. Even if that happens, the button click should still work though.

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Hello Jerry,

Thank you so much for your response. After reading your response I replaced the Taptic Engine to see if this would work: it did! Thank you so much for the suggestion!

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