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2020년 4월에 발표 및 출시된 2세대 iPhone SE의 수리 및 분해 정보입니다.

246 질문 전체 보기

SE2020 non-genuine battery message

i'm trying to get around that non-genuine battery message for the SE 2020.

i have a JC V1SE programmer, i did the read/restore process, i did the copy/write 4item process. i did the BackupData/WriteData process.

the battery works fine, but the pop-up message is annoying and the lack of the battery health percentage is not helpful. i rehab phones as a for-profit hobby and not being able to make this message go away can sharply impact resale values.

what am i doing wrong with my V1SE?

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Hi B C,

What are you doing wrong? Probably nothing. Apple has continued it's repair-antagonistic direction with now pairing batteries to logic boards. It's my understanding that the non-genuine battery warning started with the XS and the only way to get rid of it is to swap the BMS to a new battery cell. It appears that may apply to the SE 2020 even though it's closer to the iPhone 8 in its lineage rather than the XS, but I don't have any definitive answer so far. Aftermarket vendors are offering SE 2020 cells without the BMS, which implies that swapping is necessary, or at a minimum it's being done often enough to justify offering the bare cells as an option.

To make matters worse, as of the iPhone 11, the battery health information is encrypted and cannot be reprogrammed on the original battery boards. Manufacturers have come up with a workaround for now that involves adding a small circuit board called a tag-on board that connects between the battery and the motherboard and allows you to write the battery data. That board has to be left in the phone permanently but could be reused should the battery need to be replaced once again in the future.

Sure wish they'd quit making life miserable for those of us who are perfectly capable of opening up a phone and replacing a battery!

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Hi Jerry,

thanks. so do you know what all is involved in swapping that BMS board on the battery?

@beekerc It's fairly straight-forward; you pretty much just cut the old battery board off and solder or spot weld it to a replacement cell; you can buy them without the BMS like this one.


Spot welding is recommended to minimize the heat that the cell is exposed to, but if you're quick and careful a soldering iron will work fine. Here's a video showing the use of a soldering iron.


If you want to get all altruistic on us, you could do a guide on this whole procedure!

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